The Crow

[ Sarah ] A building gets torch ed.
All that is left is ashes.

I used to think that was true
about everything...

families, friends, feelings.
But now I know that sometimes,
if love proves real...

two people who are meant to be together,
nothing can keep them apart.

- [ Thunder Rumbling ]
- [ Crow Cawing ]

[ Caws ]
What are you,
like the night watchman?

[ Car Horn Honking ]
You know, what this place
needs is a...

good natural catastrophe.
- Earthquake, tornado, you know.
- No, no, no, no.

Mickey, come on, man. You got to put
the mustard underneath first.

Maybe a flood like in the Bible.
Hey, hey, let me do it.
There we go. All right.
How about some onions?

Come on, man.
Don't cheap out on me.

- Lots of onions.
- All right, here you go.

Hey, all right.
