The Crow

I thought I'd use
your front door.

Look, man, I'm sorry as hell for what
happened to you and your girlfriend.

- [ Door Opening, Closing ]
- [ Whispering ] Yeah.

[ Gideon ] I got stabbed!
I shot the son of a bitch!

I watched the bullet hole
close by itself.

And then my business
gets blown up real good.

- Other than that, my day sucked.
- Yeah.

I saw him too.
He had a guitar.

He winked at me before he jumped out
a fourth-floor window like he had wings.

He winked at ya?

- What else did you see?
- So far I haven't heard...

shit about what you're going to do
about all this crap!

What do I get? My livelihood
got flushed and went swirling.

You ain't lost everything.
Yeah, and maybe you're not
such a big shot either! Ow! Jesus!

Fair enough. Catch.
Aah! Jesus.
Say hello to the last fellow
who wouldn't cooperate with me.

What're you telling me,
this thing is real?

All the power in the world
resides in the eyes, fella.

Sometimes they're more useful
than the people who bear them.

You're directly out of
your fucking mind! You know that!

Eyes see. It's one of the most important
things I learned from my sister.

Sister? She's supposed to be
your sister? [ Laughing ]

My father's daughter.
That's right.

What's the matter,
you don't see the resemblance?

Now, let's take it
from the top, friend.

With a lot of detail.
What do you say?

He had a bird with him.
Nearly pecked my face off.

He told me to tell T-bird
that death was on its way.

Whatever the fuck that means.
Draven. He said his name
was Eric Draven.
