The Lion King

Scar, old buddy, old pal? Huh? Did-ya-did-ya-did-ya?
I don't think you really deserve this.
I practically gift wrapped those cubs for you.
And you couldn't even dispose of them.
Well, ya know… it wasn't exactly like they was alone, Scar.
Yeah. What are we supposed to do?... Kill Mufasa?
I know that your powers of retention
Are as wet as a warthog's backside
But thick as you are, pay attention
My words are a matter of pride
It's clear from your vacant expressions
The lights are not all on upstairs
But we're talking kings and successions
Even you can't be caught unawares
So prepare for the chance of a lifetime
Be prepared for sensational news
A shining new era
Is tiptoeing nearer
And where do we feature?
Just listen to teacher
I know it sounds sordid
But you'll be rewarded
When at last I am given my dues!
And injustice deliciously squared
Be prepared!
