The Madness of King George

Come. Come.
Papa's not mad.
No, he's not mad.

He's just lost himself,
that's all.

We must get to the roof.
Sir... You are talking!
I know I'm talking!
I follow my words.
I run after them.

I am dragged
at locution's tail!

I have to talk
to keep up with my thoughts.

I'm scared.
I thought he had taken you.
Who, sir?
The other George.
You were not in my bed.
I thought you had deceived me
with the son!

Elizabeth come to my bed.
Elizabeth, you leave us!
All of you, go! Just go!
You, too. Go!
You want to talk?
Then talk. Talk away.
What do you do with him
that you don't do with me?

At it like pigs,
the pair of you, huh?

Those fat hands...
that young belly...

Sir, for pity's sake...
Those warm thighs!
You harlot!
George, hear me!
Do you think that you are mad?
I don't know.
I don't know.
Madness isn't such torment.
Madness isn't half blind.
Madmen can stand.
They skip. They dance.
And I talk.
I talk and talk and talk.
I hear the words,
so I have to speak them.

I have to empty my head
of the words.

Something has happened.
Something is not right.
