The Madness of King George

This is Sir Lucas Pepys,
Lord Chancellor,

whom I've taken
the liberty of consulting.

The more the merrier.
Are you familiar with
His Majesty's condition?

I have spent a lifetime
studying the anfractuosities
of the human understanding.

An... what?
The mind, sir, and it's, uh...
If it were possible,
I would value an early view

of one of His Majesty's motions.
Yes. That could be arranged,
couldn't it?

But what's the matter with him?
Persistent delirium...
and the pulse
sometimes rises to 110.

The pulse varies.
It doesn't signify.

I agree.
I've always found the stool
more... eloquent than the pulse.
So, uh, what do you suggest?
An immediate purge.
He needs blistering.
On the back to draw
the humours from the brain.

Blistering on the legs
to draw the humours
to the lower extremities.

I agree...
but he'll never submit.
Hello there, Georgie boy.
Not my skin.
Not my skin, please.
Oh, for pity's sake.
I'm the Lord's anointed.
God, unto whom all hearts
be open, all desires known,

and from whom no secrets
are hid, cleanse...

h-h-hearts by the inspiration
of Thy Holy Spirit

that we may perfectly love Thee
and Thy Holy Name,
through Christ our Lord!
Amen! Amen! Amen!

My most merciful Father...
stray from thy ways
like lost sheep.

We follow too much.
God, help me. Help me.
Have mercy upon us...
