The Mask

Hold me close,Red.
It's getting dark.
Tell Auntie Em to let Old Yeller out.
Tell Tiny Tim I won't be coming home
this Christmas.

Tell Scarlet I do give a damn.
Pardon me.
Thank you.
You love me.
You really love me.
You're not going anywhere.
Drop it, Tyrel!
Drop it.
You got a warrant?
Or did you come for a nightcap?

What I got is probable cause.
Your boys knocked over Edge City Bank.
Easy. You're giving me a woody.
And one was wearing a big,
green mask.

For once, you're right.
Except it wasn't one of my boys.
Maybe if you tried a little
actual police work...

Cuff him.
We got a stiff upstairs.
It's a guy from the heist.

Call that high-priced
lawyer of yours.

We'll go downtown for a chat.
Get him out of here.
