The Shawshank Redemption

...and those bars slam home...
...that's when you know it's for real.
Old life blown away
in the blink of an eye.

Nothing left but all the time
in the world to think about it.

Most new fish come close to madness
the first night.

Somebody always breaks down crying.
Happens every time.
The only question is...
...who's it going to be?
It's as good a thing
to bet on as any, I guess.

I had my money on Andy Dufresne.
Lights out!
I remember my first night.
Seems like a long time ago.
Hey, fish.
Fish, fish.
What are you, scared of the dark?
Bet you wish your daddy
never dicked your mama!

Piggy! Pork!
I want me a pork chop.

The boys always go fishing
with first-timers.

And they don't quit
till they reel someone in.

Hey, Fat Ass.
Fat Ass!
Talk to me, boy.
I know you're there.
I can hear you breathing.
