The Shawshank Redemption

What was his name?
What'd you say?
I was just wondering
if anyone knew his name.

What the fuck do you care, new fish?
Doesn't fucking matter
what his name was. He's dead.

Anybody come at you yet?
Anybody get to you yet?
Hey, we all need friends in here.
I could be a friend to you.
Hard to get.
I like that.
Andy kept pretty much
to himself at first.

I guess he had a lot on his mind...
...trying to adapt
to life on the inside.

Wasn't until a month went by
before he opened his mouth...

:24:27 say more than two words
to somebody.

As it turned out...
...that somebody was me.
I'm Andy Dufresne.
Wife-killing banker.
Why'd you do it?
I didn't, since you ask.
You're going to fit right in.
Everybody in here's innocent.
Didn't you know that?
