
What are you doing, Alex?
I'm lovingly stroking your hair.
You can't stand to be
alone with me, can you?

You always want to have
Stuart along for the ride.

- It's true, isn't it?
- Yeah, maybe it is, maybe it isn't.

You're afraid of women.
You hate women.
Why do you hate women?
Just stop it.
Stop it, all right?
I don't hate women.

I don't understand why we can't just
sit here without touching each other.

What's wrong with touching?
You don't try to touch
Stuart all the time, do you?

The only reason you touch me is because
you know I don't like to be touched.

The only reason you're attracted to me
is you know I'm not attracted back.

- That's not true!
- It is true.

You're looking
for a self-destructive situation.

You are a rejection junky,
plain and simple.

What about you? You're the one who's
always drooling all over your roommate!

- Talk about self-destructive!
- I don't drool over him!

You know what your problem is?

You're secretly attracted to women,
and you're afraid to admit it!

You're a closet heterosexual!
- I am not.
- Are too.

- Bitch.
- Heterosexual!

Haagen Dazs and brewskies.
Come on, man, we can
make beer floats again.

What the hell was
going on in here?

I hate him!
I do too. So what?
Oh, I'm so sick of this shit!
