
If you were my best friend,
you wouldn't do this to me.

I would have had him killed
right here, but if he's back...

he's already told the story to Matuzak.
God knows who else.

They won't get it, but they'll sure
give it thought if he comes up dead.

- Right.
- He'll have to be erased.

Have him killed
before he joined T.E.C.

That way nobody in the Agency
ever talked to him or even knew him.

- Perfect.
- It's not perfect. It's all we've got.

Don't expect to be
my chief of staff...

if slamming you
into the side of the car...

turns you into a sniveling worm.
Well, what do you know?
At random intervals, Maryland Utilities
shows spikes in demand and duration...

- that are almost identical to ours.
- Send me back.

- No, they won't let us do that.
- Stay out of it, Ricky.

Would it be too much trouble
to call me Richard?

Richard, do I have
a best friend around here?

It isn't me.
Maybe Gordon.

Gordon is a putz. I can tell you
who my best friend was...

in school, in the marines,
when I was a cop.

Gordon doesn't fit.
I'm not saying you do...

but since I'd like to see McComb take a
fall, you get the benefit of the doubt.

- Whoa! Where you goin'?
- We've got to vent the fuel shunts.

Oh, is that right? You'll have
to wait while I get authori...

Was I your only friend?
A launch is not
a one-man operation.

Yeah, I know.
If I'm off on velocity or trajectory,
you're gonna be an omelette.

- You trying to scare me?
- Yeah.

- Just hit the right year.
- I'll see ya.

I've had your wife's goulash
a hundred times; always too much salt.

Here goes the pension.
Emergency launch system
on-line warning.

Emergency launch system
on-line warning.
