Tom & Viv

What a wonderfuI time
I'II have showing you.

But I don't have any cIothes.
Oh ! [ ChuckIes ]
GorbIimey, aren't you a bore!

I'II buy you some, you ninny.
[ Sighs ] Oh, darIing,
you're going to have to Iearn

to make an absoIute
ass of yourseIf.

We're going to get married,
be broke --

we may even starve.
It'II be absoIute heII.
But it wouId be worth it
because we have this Iove.

And nobody eIse has it.
This is my one chance
of happiness, Maurice,

and I'm taking it,
and I'II need the car!

Yeah, but M um and Dad
are coming home.

They'II kiII me!
What am I gonna teII them?
For God's sake, Vivie,
you can't!

Oh, God.
You're eIoping, aren't you?
WeII, where are
you getting married?

What am I gonna teII them?
Oh, God, there'II be an
aImighty row, I know it.

And I'II get aII the bIame.
Viv wants it this way --
no fuss.

Look, Tom. . .
There's onIy one ruIe
in our famiIy --

sort of unspoken
kind of thing.

You have to be kind to Vivie.
I wiII be, Maurice.
That I promise you.

No, no, I mean
especially kind.

this-side-up kind of thing.

You see, the --
the thing is,

you -- you grow up trying not
to notice certain things --

the scenes,
the cIosed doors, the --

[ Sighs ]
Oh, a famiIy of mutes.

But M um's aIways said
it's not Vivie's fauIt,
