Tom & Viv

Vivie, why?
Why did you Ieave me?
[ Sighs deepIy ]
I take the piIIs for my head,
the tummy comes back.

I take the medicines
for my stomach,

the headaches come back.
[ Sighs deepIy ] So sometimes
I take them aII together.

I know I shouIdn't, but. . .
You know, you mustn't
Ieave me Iike that.

[ Sighs ]
You must taIk to me.
I never know what
you're thinking.

[ ChuckIes softIy ]
I know I can make things
right for you, Tom.

I know I can make you happy.
I promise.
But we have to get
used to each other,

have to be kind
to each other.

Tom. . .
DarIing Tom.
[ Smooches ]
[ BeII rings ]
[ CIatters, squeaks ]
- Good morning, Annie.
- Morning, ma'am. Sir.
