Yangguang Canlan de Rizi

I loved keys.
I learned how to make them.
I practiced on all the locks at home.
peering into my parents' secrets.
Then I gegan going into
other people's homes.

The "click" of a lock popping open.
propelled me into a
realm of sheer bliss.

This feeling
This feeling, only the Soviet army attacking
Berlin in WWII could have felt what I feel.

I can't hid it.
I got my talent from my father.
In the Korean War.
he worked out how to
countless American bombs.

Lots of people lost
their lives that way.

but he came out of it
without a scratch...

which is why Mom suspects
that all his time in Korea

was spent hiding out in the mountains.
I'd check carefully for any cash.
The machines everyone demands
today were unkown then.

Work units provided
most of the furniture.

I can testify that at the time...
expect for a very few
politically suspect cadres.

there was virtually
no corruption at all.

In all my exploits...
I only spotted one old
Soviet black-n-white TV.

I considered stealing it,
but it was too heavy.
I vowed I'd only break in,
I wouldn't be a thief.
When I tired myself out..
I'd take a nap on the bed.
imagining what might
have happened there.

I knew I'd never be caught.
'cause no one ever snuck
out of their office then.

And I never stold anything,
so I didn't arouse any suspicion.
