Yin shi nan nu

He's still jet-lagged.
He flew in and came straight to work.

Cute, isn't he?
The best way to increase sexual prowess...
...is to mix 3 ounces of ginseng,
3 ounces of aloe vera...

...and 8 ounces of dried sea cucumber.
-What are you doing?
-That cat's driving me crazy.

At least someone's
having some fun around here.

Here they are.
No wonder I couldn't find them.

I'm sorry about that crack.
-I'm sure you'll find someone--
-Oh, please!

Why does everyone think
I'm looking for a boyfriend?

I already found someone, thank you.
Sis, it's been nine years.
You can't still be heartbroken--

-None of your business.
-Fine, then.

It's agreed, then.
I'll make you a lunch box every day.

But sometimes Mama makes me
a lunch box. Then what?
