A Walk in the Clouds

If I come home this way
without a husband,

he'll kill me.
I know he will.
How about if you do show up
with a husband?

Who does what,
comes for the day
and then just leaves?

Sure. Comes to meet the family,
stays one night,

leaves in the morning,
writes a letter
saying he's...

Abandoned me.
It happens.
You're very kind
for trying to help me.

Maybe it might work...
there's nobody.
Miss Aragon.
There's me.
Was it horrible,
the fighting?

Once the shooting starts,
you just go blank.

The trick was to get your mind
on something else.

What did you do?
Write letters
to my wife.

In my head.
Then later, I would
write them down.

About the war.
About what I'd like
our life to be like when I got home--

The perfect little house,
kids running around
in the yard with the dog,

great job.
She must have cherished
every word.

Yeah, every word.
You're very kind
to do this for me.

And the baby.
I'm doing it
for the both of you.

Then we both thank you.
