Apollo 13

What have we got
on the spacecraft that's good?

I'll get back to you, Gene.
We're not gonna have
power much longer.

The ship's bleedin' to death.
'- Flight?
'- Yeah. Go, EECOM.

Um, Flight, I recommend we shut down
the reactant valves of the fuel cells.

What the hell good
is that gonna do?

If that's where the leak is,
we can isolate it.

We can isolate it there,
save what's left in the tanks,
and we can run on the good cell.

You close 'em,
you can't open 'em again.

You can't land on the moon
with one healthy fuel cell.

Gene, the Odyssey is dying.
From my chair here,
this is the last option.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, Sy.

CAPCOM, let's have them
close the reactant valves.

Thirteen, this is Houston.
We want you to close react valves
on cells one and three. Do you copy?

Are you saying you want
the whole smash?

Closing down the react valves
for fuel cells shut down?

Shutting down the fuel cells?
Did I hear you right?

Yeah, they heard me right.
Tell them we think that's
the only way they can stop the leak.

Yeah, Jim. We think that closing
the react valves may stop the leak.
