
The dogs are here to help
the boss's husband with the sheep.

And l'm here to be beautiful
and affectionate to the boss.

- Yes?
- [ Sighs ]

The fact is that pigs
don't have a purpose.

Just like ducks
don't have a purpose.

- l don't--
- All right, for you own sake,
l'll be blunt.

Why do the bosses keep ducks?
To eat them.

So why do the bosses
keep a pig?

The fact is that animals that
don't seem to have a purpose
really do have a purpose.

The bosses have to eat. lt's probably
the most noble purpose of all...

when you come
to think about it.

They eat pigs?
Pork, they call it.
Or bacon.

They only call them pigs
when they're alive.

But, uh, l'm a sheep pig!
[ Chuckles ]
The boss's husband's just
playing a little game with you.

Believe me, sooner or later,
every pig gets eaten.

That's the way
the world works.

Oh! l haven't upset you,
have l? [ Chuckles ]

[ Whimpers ]
- Mom?
- Mm-hmm.

- Mom!
- Good heavens!

What on earth are you doing
out in the rain?

You should be looking after yourself
with such a big day ahead of you.

- Are pigs for eatin'?
- [ Gasps ] Who told you that?

The cat told me. Pigs don't have
a purpose except to be eaten.

ls it true?
lt's true.
For many pigs, it's true.
