Bad Boys

So we steps to the door.
''Freeze! Miami P.D.!
Get down, get down, get down!''

Out of nowhere, this pimp named Chino
punched me in the head.

Chino's running ho's.
Your dad wiII expIain that.

Look at it.
Your dogs shit aII over my pIace.
Liquid shit.

It doesn't heIp, sheIIacking it in
with furniture poIish.

There's a piece there.
Get it.

-I got it.
-Look Iike a chip of shit.

Can I pIease have the paroIe jacket
on Noah Trafficante?

-Thank you.
-You know what?

I'm tired of this witness.
I want my Iife the way it was.
I'm tired.
I got married so I couId stop Iying.

I can't beIieve you're compIaining.
You've got it easy compared to me,
Iiving in that zoo.

Why you caII my pIace a zoo?!
-I'm tired of you.
-You want to fight?

Listen, Francine, pIease....
That's my siIk shirt, man!
It's nice.
I figure since I'm gonna be Mike,
I might as weII dress Iike Mike.

l want to be...
...l want to be like Mike.
You're sick.
Something's wrong with you.

You have a probIem
that shouId be checked.

-The fiIe. He worked at CIub HeII.
-Thank you.

Can you take care of this?
I gotta caII the wife.

Whose wife?!
Can you pIease do some work?
-Once today, just do something!
-I teII you--

Do something to heIp this case.
You Iook handsome today.
No, see, it's not that kind of day.
Leave me aIone.

What's up, babe, PMS?
Damn the jokes!
-Damn them! Ring it.
-Okay, I won't say anything.

That's cooI. HoId on.
Go ahead.
