Batman Forever

Hot entrance.
Two guards are dead.
He's hoIding a third hostage.
Didn't see this one coming.

We shouId have.
The Second Bank of Gotham--
Second anniversary
of the day I captured him.

How couId he resist?
I'm Chase Meridian.
I asked her to come here to consuIt
on the case. She speciaIizes in--

AbnormaI psychoIogy,
muItipIe personaIities. I read your work.

Naive, but insightfuI.
I'm fIattered. Not every girI
makes a superhero's night tabIe.

Can we reason with him?
-He's got innocent peopIe up there.
-It won't do any good.

-He'II sIaughter them without a thought.

A trauma powerfuI enough to create
an aIternate personaIity Ieaves one--

In a worId where normaI ruIes
of right and wrong no Ionger appIy.

Like you.
I couId write a heII of a paper on a man
who dresses Iike a fIying rodent.

Bats aren't rodents, Dr. Meridian.
ReaIIy? I didn't know that.
You are interesting.
And caII me Chase.
By the way, do you have a first name,
or do I caII you Bats?

Let's start this party with a bang!
Very punctuaI, even for his own funeraI.

KiII the Bat!
BIast him!
Open sesame.
