Batman Forever

The night of my parents' wake...
...the priest's words gave no comfort.
Of course.
There, on my father's desk...
...the red book.
His journal.
He'd written in it every day.
But now he'd never write in it again.
At that moment I knew...
:25:28 life would never be the same.
I raced out into the storm...
...trying to outrun the rage.
The pain.
Then I fell.
I fell forever.
The cave was monstrous.
It must have been there for centuries.
And there...
...deep in the shadows...
...I saw....
It was coming toward me.
I was scared at first, but only at first.
The figure in the dark was my destiny.
It would change my life forever.
I would use its image to strike terror
into the hearts of those who did evil.

I would ensure what happened to me
would never happen to anyone else.

I would have my revenge.
What are you trying to teII me?
