Before Sunrise

Is that all?
Well, there's a lot of things, really.
-So its my turn.

You're going to answer
Yes, I'll answer.
Ah, what's a problem for you?
You, probably.
Um, No, Alright, I had a thought the other day
that was kind of, a, qualifies as a problem

What is it?
Well, it was a thought I had on the train, so.... Um...
okay, alright. Um, Do you believe in reincarnation?

Yeah, yeah, its interesting.
Most people, you know, a lot of people talk about the past lives,
and things like that,

you know, and even if they don't believe in it in some specific way,
you know, people have some kind of notion of an eternal soul, right.

Okay. Well, this is my thought. 50,000 years ago,
there are not even a million people on the planet
10,000 years ago, there's like 2,000,000 people on the planet.
Now, there's between 5 and 6 billion people on the planet, right?

Now, if we all have our own, like, individual,
unique soul, right, where do they all come from?

Are modern souls only a fraction of the original souls?
Because if they are, that represents a 5,000-to-1
split of each soul in just the last 50,000 years

which is like a blip in the earth's time.
You know, so, at best, we're like these tiny
fractions of people, you know, walking...

I mean, is that why we're all so scattered?
Y'know, Is that why we're all so specialized?
-Wait a minute, I'm not sure I .. I don't....
-Hang on, I know, I know, its a totally scattered thought,

-which is kind of why it makes sense.
-Yeah... I agree with you.

Let's get off this damn tram
