
Why do I have to see Josh?
You divorce wives, not children.
Forget it!
Did I show you
the loqued out Jeep Daddy got me?

It's got four-wheel drive,
dual side airbags,

and a monster sound system.
I don't have a license yet,
but I need something to learn on.
Boy! That came out of nowhere!
Here's where Dionne lives.
She's my friend
because we both know what it's like
to have people jealous of us.
- Girlfriend!
- I must give her snaps

for her courageous fashion efforts.
Hey, Cher.
Dionne and I were both named
after great singers of the past

who now do infomercials.
Been shopping with Dr. Seuss?
I wouldn't skin a collie for a backpack.
It's faux.
Hello! That was a stop sign.
I totally paused.
Yeah. O.K.
It's not even 8:30,
and Murray is paging me.

He is so possessive.
This weekend he called me,
and he's all, Where were you today?
Dionne and her boyfriend Murray
are in this dramatic relationship.
I think they've seen
that lke and Tina Turner movie

just too many times.
Now, I have to say to her...
Why do you put up with it?
You could do better.

I know. Shh. Here he comes.
Woman, why don't you
be answering any of my pages?

I hate when you call me woman.
Where you been all weekend?
You jeepin' behind my back?
No! But speaking of vehicular sex,
perhaps you can explain
how this Kmart hair extension

got into the backseat of your car.
I don't know where that came from.
That looks like one of
your stringy something or anothers.

I do not wear polyester hair, O.K.?
Unlike Shawanna.
Dee, I'm Audi.
That's it. I've had it with you.
Is it that time of the month again?
I don't know why
Dionne's going out
with a high school boy.
