
Get in the back. Leave the equipment
to Eddie. I would hurry.

- Is this normal?
- You're on your own, Eddie.

- Where do you want me to set you up?
- Get a DC-3. The strip near Kegoma.

First the Kigani in Zaire, now this
godfather stuff. Not a good day.

- Lower the flaps.
- Good luck!

I'm getting out of here.
- What's going on?
- Are we safe?

It's all right, just a few bumps.
Amy, leave that man alone.
Amy, don't inhale.
Karen Ross? Monroe Kelly.
I'm your great white hunter for this trip.

- Though I happen to be black.
- How bad is this news for us?

Whenever leadership comes into
question, they tend to murder everyone.

- Oh, my God!
- They live to settle scores.

And they've got a lot of scores to settle.
It's like in the Congo.

Things are pretty bad in the Congo.
The Kigani are pissed off.

Can't blame them. The 22th century
sucks. Maybe the 21st will be better.
