Crimson Tide

Ship is at launch depth.
Ready to hover, sir.

- Very well. Commence hovering.
- Commence hovering. Aye, sir.

Control/Sick Bay: Chief Petty Officer
Marichek is undergoing cardiac arrest.

- We're beginning CPR.
- Chief of the watch, on the 1MC.

Gentlemen, may I have
your attention, please?

We've received word that a shipmate
is experiencing a medical problem.

We're terminating the drill. Mr.
Mahoney, take the conn. I'm going below.

- X.O.
- [Mahoney] Aye, sir. I have the conn.

It's okay, Chief.
Thank you, sir.
Sorry, sir.

[Softly] Hiya, boy.
Hiya, hiya, hiya.

How ya doin'?
Oh, boy. Yeah.

So, Mr. Hunter, do you think
I was wrong to run that drill?

Not necessarily, sir.
- Do you think I got that man killed?
- No, sir.

One thing had nothing to do
with the other. It was an accident.

- Would you have run the drill?
- No, sir, I wouldn't have.

Why not?
The fire in the galley
could have flared back up.

- I would have seen to it first, sir.
- I'm sure you would have.

Me, on the other hand, I tend to think
that's the best time to run a drill.

Confusion on the ship
is nothing to fear.

It should be taken advantage of.
