Cutthroat Island

Mordachai's up there,
scared as a goose.

He's surrounded by guards,
back to the wall, pistols out.

He's expecting Dawg.
lf there are any of Dawg's men around,
they will see you.

Mordachai's guards
won't let you get close.

Wait a minute.
Excuse me. Excuse me.
How much?
- What?
- Come with me.

You stay put.
Where do you think you're going?
Tapster sent me.
Said the old turtle has his needs.

Shake her down.
- Sweetheart, all that costs money.
- l have money.

l promise.
l will take care of you later.

Follow me.
You too.
Captain, you in the mood
for a whore?

Show her in.
Wait a minute.
l recognize you.

You're not a whore.
Call your men,
and it's the last sound you make.
