Don Juan DeMarco

You told him that you were
Don Octavio del Flores?

You told a delusional patient...
that you were a 17th-century
Spanish nobleman.

The idea
was to get him in the bucket.


He's all yours, Don.

Wait a minute.
Did you tell Paul?

You bet I did.
And what did he say?
His exact words were...
Jack broke it? Let him fix it.


This is very kind ofyou
to show me the way.


Come on in.

I've brought...

Mr. Juan here
for his appointment.

Thank you, Gloria.
I can return at the end
ofthe hour and see him back.

lt's OK.
lt's really no trouble.

I'll be passing by this door
in exactly one hour.


-Thank you.
-l have a break coming up.


Thanks a lot.

What are you doing
to these girls?


Gosh almighty.

Your people have taken
my mask, Don Octavio.


They had no right to do that.

I never remove my mask
in public.


Do you understand
the consequences ofthis?


Notfully, but...

Well, I will be cursed.

I can certainly understand
how that could be upsetting.


Think how you would feel...
ifyou were made to take off
this mask that you are wearing.

Our masks really
get us in dutch, don't they?


How long you been wearing yours?
Since I was 16.
