Don Juan DeMarco

''Glorify God in your body...
''and in your spirit...
''which...are God's.''

My feelings
consumed me day and night.


I felt within me a torment...
a burning wound, a yearning...
combined with
the most indescribable bliss.

But what was it?
And you had no idea what it was?
Well, I had an idea, but...

Nothing definite.

My father, understanding
manhood was nearly upon me...

began to teach me
how to use my sword.

There was
a lot ofsword fighting...

going on when you
were growing up?

Well, it was a small
and isolated town...

that resisted modern technology.
Advance. Lunge.

I noticed that the smile
on Doña Julia's face was gone...


replaced by a sadness
even sweeter than the smile.

I sensed that Doña Julia was
having a struggle within her...

and my own situation
was becoming no less difficult.


I could only think
of Doña Julia.


To keep myselffrom going mad...
I turned into a metaphysician.
I considered
the meaning oftruth...

of being...
and God.

I thought ofthe timetable
for the sun's demise...

and then I thought
of Doña Julia's eyes.

