Don Juan DeMarco

We go to the same bakery.
Sorry to do this to you,.
but this is a job,
only Super-shrink can handle.

e's a jumper to be reckoned with,
i'm telling you.

What's the costume?
He's Don Juan.
"He wishes to end his life...
He wants us...

to send our finest swordsman...
to do battle with him,

"Don Francisco de Silva".
Did he actually say this?
I was up there.
How do you get in this?
Over here.
You sure this is how
Freud started?

What do l know?
i'm just a dumb cop.

You're the shrink.
Where is
Don Francisco de Silva?

I will fight none other.
Where is he?
Don Francisco da Silva...
Left for Mallorca...
on this weekend
but l am his uncle...

Don Octavio de Flores.
This will not do. I must die
at the hands of Don Francisco.

I am Don Juan DeMarco.
You are the Don Juan?
This is correct.
Why, with so many successes,
does the great Don Juan
wish to end his life?

Because there is nothing left
to live for.

Do you mean to say
there is nothing at all?

Not when...
my Doña Ana is everything.
