Don Juan DeMarco

Very well.
Back to Mexico.
My mother, God bless her,
does not give up easily.
When i was 16,
she made one last attempt
to give me Christian values in me...

by finding me a tutor.
My mother's judgement
left something to be desired.

Doña Julia was 23 and married,
the faithful and devoted wife
of Don Alfonso...

a man of fifty.
It was no secret, she would've
been better served by...

two men of 25.
Glorify God in your body
and your spirit...

which are God's.''
My feelings consumed me
day and night.

I felt within me...
a burning wound...
a yearning...
combined with the most
indescribable bliss...

but what was it?
And you had no idea what it was?
I had an idea, but...
nothing definite.
My father,
understanding that manhood
was nearly upon me,

began to teach me how
to use my sword.

So a lot of sword fighting
went on when you were growing up?

It was a small, isolated town
that resisted modern technology.

I notice that the smile...
on Doña Julia's face was gone.
It had been replaced by a sadness
even sweeter than the smile.

I sensed she had a struggle
within her...

and my own situation was becoming
no less difficult.
