Forget Paris

...about going home,
and there's a guy named Brooklyn.

''When l get home l'll go to see
my Dodgers, get me a nice hot dog...''

lt always happened, right?
lf ever l get on a small plane
and there's a storm, l never say:

''Piece of cake.''
Never say, ''Famous last words,''
because they could be.

You're a disturbed person, right?
You have no idea.
According to him, he was working hard
all the way back to Paris.

You know those Japanese movies
with dinosaurs in the streets...

...and those people just run out
and wait to get stepped on?

He's got the charm turned up
to warp factor 7...

...and she seems to like him,
but he's not sure.

l never knew that about Wilt Chamberlain.
They say it's true, but you know...
- l had a great time.
- Thank you for everything.

We must stop meeting like this.
Take care of yourself.
Have a good flight.
- Can l ask you a question?
- Sure.

- ls this ticket only for this afternoon?
- lt's for any time. Want to change it?

Well, l was thinking... lt's silly.
I’ve never been to Paris.
Maybe l should do some sightseeing.

Sightseeing in Paris?
What a bizarre notion.
What do you got here?
- What do we got here?
- Yeah. You got anything?

We got some stuff.
Like what kind of stuff?
You want to see the Eiffel Tower?
That's here?
You got any other stuff?
