Forget Paris

And finally Mickey has to leave.
He left? He actually left?
He had to! The season was starting.
Poor Mickey.
He hadn't had a lot
of beautiful moments in his life.

Even the family dog committed suicide.
He left a note:

''I can't take it anymore, Chi Chi.''
Mickey just never knew that anyone
could be so wonderful.

But he tells himself:
''Forget Paris.
It was just a beautiful few days. Let it go.

''Just let it be a perfect little memory.''
But it's tough.
See this?
They brought Abraham Lincoln
back to life for a few seconds.

Last week they dug him up.
- They gave him this drug, Revivatol.
- No kidding?

lt says he said a few words.
What'd he say? ''How'd the play end?''
How'll you ref with that in your stomach?
You may look like my mother,
but you're not.

- What'll we see today?
- What's playing?

Must we go to the movies?
That's all we ever do.

What do you want to do?
l don't know. l was thinking
maybe we'd go to a...

And see what?
Tommy, would you like to go
to a museum and see art?

Not today, thank you.
