Forget Paris

Don't use my razor
to shave any part of you.

lf you lose your hair, don't grow
that thing down from your sideburn...

...and wrap it around your head.
lt's disgusting and l don't like that.

Don't hand me food and say,
''Taste this, see if it's bad.''

- All right.
- Okay?

You want to talk religion, politics,
or if you want kids?

That'll work itself out.
We've handled the big issues.

All right.
l'll marry you.
l love you.
l love you.
And that was it.
- And you listened the whole time?
- Yeah. It was beautiful.

Oh, honey, that was nice.
That was a really nice story.

lt's so romantic,
and then when she comes back...

What's wrong?
What happened?
Why do all your women end up crying?
They don't. Will you shut...
Andy was telling me
this really wonderful story.

Oh, was he?
Hi, Craig. How are you, Lucy?
I’m hot.
Welcome to Helen's. What'll it be?
You got a nice white wine?
Sure. lt's like me:
bold, but with a hint of whimsy.

- And for the lady?
- Perrier with lime, no ice.

Excellent choice.
What story?
- The Ellen-Mickey story.
- Which one?

The one. How they met. The dead father.
Her showing up in North Carolina.

l just can't wait to meet them.
Them? They're both coming?
What do you mean?
l was under the impression they were...
