Gazon maudit

I went to a dyke bar once...
and I ended up feeling effeminate.
Lucky I wasn't home last night.
I couldn't have put up with the diesel
and her smelly cigars.

I know why she's a dyke.
She has no choice.

Mr. Lafaye?
It's for you. It's a Marijo.

Marijo? Don't know her.
Can't keep track of them?
No, I don't know any Marijos.
Take the call anyway.
Marijo? Do I know you?
Who is it?
Oh, it's you!

You're still here?
The diesel.

Put the speaker on.
I want to apologize.
You were both so nice.
May I buy you dinner?
Say yes! Yes!
We would have been delighted,
but my wife and I are busy.

Yes, it'll be fun!
Hold on a second.
I want to come along.
May I bring a friend?
The doctor pulls one more
from his butt.

He counts them: 12 flowers.
So the fag says,
"I didn't know how to tell you."

Excuse me.
I'm off to the powder room.

I have to take a leak.
