Get Shorty

Sneaky, that Chili Palmer.
Did he ever find that dry-cleaner,
the one with all the money on him?

Leo? I don't know.
I bet he did and he ain't giving you one
penny to help you out, not the way I am.

Assuming I go along with this,
when can I have the $500,000?

Whenever you want.
The money's in $1 00 bills
in a locker at the airport.

At the airport?
It was waiting out there on a deal
that didn't go through, Harry.

One you don't want to know about.
I don't know...
It's not a thing you'd do,
so why not send Chili Palmer?

If he gets busted,
you're out of the thing, Harry.

C1 8.
The magic number.
I'm positive it was Susan Hayward.
It was Rita Hayworth and Glenn Ford.
Excuse me, Harry.
Wait here.
I'd like you to meet
my associate, Bear.

Stuntman, champion weight lifter,
as you might have noticed.

Throws things out I don't want.
Turn around and go back to Miami.
A stuntman. Any good?
Am I any good?
That's not bad for a guy his size.
If you can get out of here
before I take my coat off,

I won't clean up the floor with you.
You don't know me.
You only think you do.
