
My name is Natalya Simonova.
I was a systems programmer
at Severnaya facility until...

Go on.
- ..until they killed everyone.
- Who? Alec Trevelyan?

- No. I don't know who that is.
- Who's the insider? Who's the traitor?

Boris. Boris Grishenko.
- KGB or military?
- Computer programmer.

- There was no one else?
- No.

They're going to kill me, aren't they?
Trust me.
Trust you? I don't even know your name.
Good morning, Mr Bond. Sit.
I am Defence Minister Dimitri Mishkin.
So, by what means shall we
execute you, Commander Bond?

What, no small talk?
No chitchat?
That's the trouble. No one has time to do
a really sinister interrogation any more.

- It's a lost art.
- Your sense of humour doesn't slay me.

- Where is the GoldenEye?
- I assumed you had it.

I have an English spy,
a programmer and a helicopter...

- That's how your traitor wants it to look.
- Who attacked Severnaya?

- Who had the codes?
- The penalty for terrorism is still death.

- And for treason?
- Stop it, both of you. Stop it.

You're like boys with toys.
It was Ourumov.
General Ourumov set off the weapon.

I saw him do it.
- Are you certain it was Ourumov?
- Yes.

He killed everyone,
then stole the GoldenEye.
