Johnny Mnemonic

It's just my stuff.
Mace, throwing spikes, grenade.
Everything a girl needs.
You let me sleep?
You needed it.
I'm in a hurry.
I'm dead if I don't get this
out ot my head.

Hey. Do you ever sneak a look
at what you carry?

Usually there's a code,
like a lock.

Well, when there isn't?
No. It goes with the territory.
Sater for me
and the client.

How come you knew those, uh--
Oh, call them LoTeks.
I sort ot hung with them
when I was a kid.

How do you fit all that shit
in your head anyway?

Must have been pretty good
at memorizing, huh?

Implant. Wet-wired.
I had to dump a chunk
of long-term memory.

You had to dump what?
My childhood.
Your childhood?
All of it?
You can't remember a thing?

Maybe there's some residual traces.
Every now and then there's something,
but I can never hold onto it.

That's a seriously
weird-ass thing to do.

Maybe I didn't lose anything
I wanted to keep.

I needed the space for the job.
You got parents and stuff?
You got parents and stuff?
