Judge Dredd

These blocks...
are under... arrest !

This is
your final warning !

That's Judge Dredd, man !
Hey ! You wanna be afraid of somebody ?
Be afraid of me !

l got it ! Why don't l
run down there and surrender ?

Sort of throw 'em off guard !
Bad idea.

Hey, Dredd !
Come and get us !

- l knew they'd do that.
- Judge Dredd, take cover !

They're firing .20 millimeter
caseless flechette rounds at 300 meters.

The effective lethal range
is 200 meters.

You're safe. What are you doing
down there, Judge Hershey ?

Waiting for backup.
lt's here.
Let's move it out.
Keep it simple. Single file.

Standard relay.
l'm point. You're last.

- Grenade.
- Grenade.

- Nice shot, sir !
- You two meet me on the 40th.

Hey, you need to get
some more ammo !

Be kind and peaceful to each other.
Eat recycled food.

Hey, you guys with us ?
Yeah ! All right !
Let's rock 'n' roll !

Dredd !
This room
has been pacified.

- Next one's mine !
- No ! Rookie, hold on !

This room
is under arrest !

No !
Die, Judges ! Die !
You're under arrest. Throw down
your weapons, and prepare to be judged !
