
What? What is it?
I'm going to MoteI 6.
Oh, for heaven's sake.
I don't see any guano.
He said it Iooked Iike that.
That's an African bat. Some kid said
she saw some back in the '60s...

...but we don't get bats
Iike that in New EngIand.

That's what he saw.
WeII, whatever it was, it's gone now.
Bats aren't what I'd worry about
in this house, anyways.

What wouId you worry about?
WeII, personaIIy...
...I wouIdn't want to Iive
where someone was murdered.


LittIe AIan Parrish.
I say his father did it.

There's 1 001 pIaces he couId've
hid the body in this house.

EspeciaIIy if he chopped it up first.
Hey up there!
You don't want to be Iate
for your first day of schooI.

-Not a bat in sight, ma'am.
-Hear that?

There's nothing to be afraid of
in this house.
