Just Cause

...driving a car south,
driving off the turnpike into Ochopee.

He stops...
...takes a siesta under a banyan tree
just outside a schoolyard.

Then he spots a little girl.
Pretty little girl.
He talks her into his car.
He's friendly when he needs to be.

Then he does it.
Right there in the Glades.
He drives on and never gives it
another thought.

Go on.
That very bad man moves on
down the line.

A waitress in the Keys...
...two tourists in Lakeland,
a prostitute in Tampa, and finally...

...he gets sloppy.
Big-time sloppy.
That's murder one.
That's the Row. Death Row.
He's here?
Yes. And what does he find
when he gets here?

A neighbor on the Row
who's in for killing a little girl.

Yeah, a little blonde girl down in Ochopee.
All cut up and thrown in the swamps.
And he says:
"I know you didn't do it, because I did."
Then he starts laughing.
And he says, "You must be
the sorriest fuck in this unit."

I can hear him every night.
Bobby Earl!
Why won't you talk to me?
Shut up, you crazy fuck!
Shut up!
It's like a death sentence
on top of a death sentence.

He calls me his last victim.
Who is he?
Blair Sullivan.
