
You tested negative
for all sexually transmitted
diseases and infections.

You're clean.
I can't tell you
how nervous I was.

I didn't sleep last night.
Now you have to be careful,
Ruby, okay?

I want you to take these
pamphlets and read them.

And, Ruby, read them.
Jenny, you've tested
positive for the H IV virus.

The test isn't 100% accurate.
I tested positive?
I'm sorry.
I only had sex with Telly.
I just came to keep
Ruby company.

Yo, I want to fuck Darcy.
You know Darcy.
Bennie's little sister.

You like her, uh-huh?
Yo, I liked her
for a while, yeah.

Darcy, yo?
She's so little,
innocent and pretty.

She's only 13, man.
You remember the last week
at the block party?

She was handing out
watermelon slices.

I just sat across from her
and started watching her.

- She was eating this watermelon.
- U h-huh.

J uices just start runnin'
off her chin onto her shirt.

After about three seconds, yo,
I got the biggest
fuckin' hard on, yo.

I just wanted to take out my dick
right there and start jerking off.

Shit, yo.
Like at that point,
and moment, like...

she was like a vision
of perfection.

I know what you mean, yo.
Like, like she represented
everything holy about a virgin.

I know what you're saying.
I know.
