Kiss of Death

Hey! Hey! What are you fuckin' doin'?
What are you worrying
about the guy for, huh?!

What guy? What fucking guy?
Whaddaya wanna know for?
That's fucking great.
l did three years for you.

Hey, hey, hey.
l did three years for you,
you paranoid motherfucker, OK?

Full time, not a day less, for you.
What do you wanna know about the guy for?
JJ pointed him out to me,
like two minutes before you sat down.

lf he's got a big fuckin' mouth, take it up
with him. l was tryin' to make conversation.

lt's been a hard week.
l'm sorry. l just lost control, you know, so...
Wanna go for a ride?
Let's go for a ride. Come on.
No problem.
Know what an acronym is?
lt's like letters that stand for things.
You know, like FBl, TGlF. You understand?

l have an acronym for myself.
Know what it is?

B-A-D. Balls, attitude, direction.
You should give yourself an acronym.
Cos it helps you visualise your goals.
