La Haine

Chill out, you bogus Arab!
Come back with that!

Got any change?
We're broke!
- 2 bits.
- We're broke.

...The judge says I go to jail,
or do jobs for the City.
Community service? The pits!
Ever do it? Jail's bad enough!
You'd rather do time?
Your bro stole a dog!
- Liar!
- His mouth is full!

Put it on my tab.
Liar! Your nose is growing!
I'll bust your nose, Sayid!
Beat it!
A .45!
Like the gun in "Lethal Weapon."
We saw that movie together!
It was a 9mm. Glock!

- What?
- No, it wasn't!

That was a Desert Eagle.
He shot at the truck!
That wasn't "Lethal Weapon"!
What are you talking about?
A cop lost his handgun
during the riot.

That's a good one!
I don't know the pig
who lost his piece.

But I'd like to know
who found it!

No joke!
...I'll sleep, eat, lift weights.
Everyone's been inside, except me.
A month for theft
is pathetic!

Not in your league!
- What league? I was never inside!
- You got nabbed.

I quit in time!
Come look!
We got visitors.
Over here!
