La Haine

That's real steel!
- Get a load of it.
- What a mother!

What'll you do with it?
Stop it, Hubert.
What you gonna do with it?
Depends if Abdel dies.
You gonna kill a cop?
Best way to get respect!
Smoking a cop
will get you respect?

It'll even up the score.
- I coulda got you a piece.
- This one's special.

Think you're on a mission?
Well, I did find the gun.
Leave me alone!

- Will it help Abdel?
- It'll help us.

Stop fronting!
You pussy!
You're headed for big shit!
I'll do my thing, you do yours.
- I don't want to know.
- So don't ask!

One thing's sure...
with that piece
you're the big man.

Hey, wait for me!
Fuck it...
What the fuck ya doin'?
OK, don't have a shit fit!
