Leaving Las Vegas

I bring out the best
in the men who fuck me.

It's not easy,
but I'm very good.

It's amazing. I haven't worked
for a really long time...

and I can just turn on a dime.
I can just become
who they want me to be.

I walk into that room,
I know right away...

this is their fantasy,
and I become it.

I'm that service.
I perform it, and I perform it well.

I'm an equation mostly.
Thirty minutes of my body
costs $300.

That's just to get into the room.
It's about $500 after that.
We negotiate.

But it's a performance.
It's definitely a performance.
I am very pleased with how
you've moved up in the world.

It is, after all,
a glamorous world I showed you.

Why did you leave me
in Los Angeles?

Because you are sly.
You knew there was more money
here in Las Vegas.

You don't need to fear me, Sera...
because we belong together.
Don't we?
- Are you lonely?
- I am lonely, Yuri.

So am l.
