Leaving Las Vegas

- Are you working?
- What do you mean? I'm walking.

Just wait one second.
Great ass!
- Want some?
- Isn't it illegal to drink and drive?

That's pretty funny.
I wonder if you'll take $250
to fuck me?

That is, if you'll come
to my room for one hour...

I will give you $500.
- You're pretty drunk.
- Not really.

My room's not far.
It's The Whole Year lnn.

You could drive with me if you want
or we could walk.

Or I could give you cab fare.
- In the car.
- Whatever you want.

Why don't you give me the money
in the car?

I'm Ben.
I'm Sera.
Sarah with an "H"?
With an "E." S-e-r-a.
You wanna start the engine?
What this room needs
is more booze.

- Can I use the bathroom?
- Of course.
