Major Payne

- I'm not gonna chase you.
What you runnin' from, boy ?
She's tryin' to give me
a shot !

You don't like needles ?
You want me to show you a little trick
take your mind off that pain ?

Here, gimme your hand.
Now, you may
feel a little bit of pressure.

Hi, I'm Emily Walburn,
the school counselor.

You must be Major Payne.
That's a mighty fine handshake
you got there.

- You wanna wrestle ?
Uh, no thanks.
I wrestle with these kids all day.
This one's usually my big helper.

Come on, Tiger.
Nice meeting you, Major.

Nice meetin' you,
Miss Ma'am.

Tiger !
Tiger, come back here !

I'm not gonna chase you.
- Come in.
Major Payne reportin'
for duty, sir !

What ?
Major Payne.
The new commandant ?

Oh. Right.
You're in charge of the green boys.
