
- TS, did you see Julie Dwyer last night?
- Yeah, at the video store.

She was talking about being
on your dad's stupid game show.

- Oh, my God. He's not here, is he?
- Yeah, he's inside.

TS, did you tell her that every time
you're on TV, you look 10lb heavier?

Well, yeah. I told her that
the way that TV shows are shot...

..can make you look a lot
fatter than you really are.

What'd she do? Call up and cancel?
No. Not exactly.
TS, you know that Julie
had a huge weight problem in school.

She had the fattest ass.
And when you said that to her,
she went straight up to the YMCA...

..and just started doing laps because
she wanted to be fit for the show tonight.

And, well, in the middle
of her 700th lap,...

..this embolism popped in
her brain and she dropped dead.

Right in mid-backstroke.
She's fucking dead?
Then her sister told her parents
why she was doing all the laps...

..and it got back to my father and...
Shit, TS, he's really pissed at you.
I mean, it's awful
about Julie's death and...

:05:10 he doesn't even have
a female contestant for his show.

- Can't you calm him down?
- I've done that.

- Thank God. How?
- I told him I'd do the show.

Good. What?!
Wait a minute. No, no.
We're leaving for Florida.

- TS, I can't go. I've gotta stay here.
- No, no, no.

I've got something planned for Florida.
No, we gotta go.

I'm doing this to get you
out of trouble with my father,...

:05:32 him out of a bind which, you know,
you kind of are a little responsible for.

I bet he's happy that
you're not going away with me.

Are you kidding?
He's absolutely devastated about Julie.

I can't believe you.
Brandi, the guy hates me.

You know, I bet he sees this tragedy...
