Man of the House

- You okay?
- I'm fine.

- I ordered for you.
- Good.

- Medium rare, right?
- Yeah.

How's school?
You know. The usual.
How's your mum?
I wouldn't really know.
She and Keith took up scuba diving.

Anyway, she was cleaning the house
and she wanted you to have these.

This is a beautiful picture of you
and your mum there in little bathing suits.

Oh, there's that donkey.
I keep looking for a picture of you and me,
but I guess I was always taking the pictures.

No, you were just never there.
Or that.
So, I'm applying to a few colleges.
Rice, SMU and...

Yeah, I'm on my way.
- Look, I've got to...
- Go. I get it.

I'm fine.
- Looks like you've been busy.
- Yes, sir.

- Hell, ain't it?
- Yes, sir.

They said you had some witnesses.
Yeah, they came waltzing in here
about a half hour ago.

Said they saw the whole thing.
- Anybody else know about this?
- No.

Can we keep it that way?
I'm tired of being shot at.

You bet.
Who are your witnesses?
You know, I think we could be on the news.
I'm not talking local.
I'm thinking maybe Katie Couric or Oprah.

We shouldn't have come here.
I need to get to the library.
Now I'll never get my psych paper done.
I'll just keep seeing his head explode.
