Mighty Aphrodite

No, I can't.
I-- Listen, I never told you this,

but I got a-- a slight
heart murmur...

and right now
it's murmuring "hide."

- I don't believe you're a coward.
Only in actuality.
Um, this is not for me.

- Lenny, I need your help.
- No, I'm not a violence person.

I-I write about hockey and boxing
and football. This is not my world.

Lenny, I do want to quit like you said,
but he said he's not gonna let me!

- He's gonna hurt us both. Please!
- Relax, relax.

What do you want me to do?
How am I gonna talk to him?

- Well, okay. You just--
- I--

You just talk because you're smarter
than he is and stronger than he is.

You're a much better man. So just
remember that when you talk to him.

He's a little bit intimidating.
He's got a bald head and an earring.

- But you'll win. I know you will.
- Jesus, I-- I--

You're a good man, Lenny.
You'll win.

Look, in case anything
comes up,

I want you to know that I-l'm
type O-positive, okay?

Derek, I got the feeling you
came here and obviously moved...

into this whole Knick persona.
- Did you get caught up, maybe,
with a little bit of this Knick,
- Excuse me.

"I gotta be physical,
I gotta be tough," and maybe--

I'm, uh, I'm
Lenny Gildersleeve.

I-- I'm a friend
of Linda-- Linda Ash's.

And, uh, I thought
that perhaps we could--

What I want to discuss
with you is that...

there comes a time in the life
of every young woman,

not just Linda, but everyone,
that they-- they want to perhaps
make a change in their life.

They maybe want to settle down
or explore alternative lifestyles.

I don't think you've been a very good
influence on Linda, Mr. Weinrib.

Weinrib. Right. So Gildersleeve
is a name I use for business purposes.

- I got an investment in Linda.
- No question.

I honor that. But--
But by now, she's probably...

repaid you tenfold
or twentyfold or--

Don't be so fuckin' sure, 'cause you
don't know what the fuckin' numbers are!

That's a point well taken.
Excuse me, you're-- you're-- Excuse me.

I-I-I understand what you're saying.
Is that a Pellegrino?

Can I-- Because you've
bent my throat now a little bit.

And, uh, the windpipe used to
hang straight until this moment.
