Mighty Aphrodite

Max? Max is the greatest.
Do you have a picture of him?
A picture?
I'd like to see him.
I guess...
He's very sweet.
You're very lucky.
With Amanda, it was fate.
With Linda, it's hubris.
His drive to find out and now
to change her life...

to control her.
Wait, I see...
I don't have any interest in
controlling her.

I'm doing this for Max.
When he's older, inevitably he'll
trace his mother...

I'd be happier if she was
married and a hairdresser...

rather than the star of
"The Enchanted Pussy"

I see horrible, horrible danger.
Terrible danger.
I can handle myself emotionally.
Not emotional danger,
physical danger.

I see a bald man.
He has a lead pipe.
He's breaking your kneecaps.
How did Jerry Bender take it when
you said the decisión was final?

He was amazing. I thought
he'd be upset, but no...

he was excited and supportive.
He was absolutely great about it.
I'm calling to say I can't
make dinner tonight.

You're kidding.
Everybody in the Madison Square
Garden organization will be there.

I can't get away. The architects are
here and the Dorians are in town.

The architects fly back to
Milan tonight. I can't.
